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May 3,4,5 - 8 - updated

This week we spent a day in Rutland - a very good day. Watching the Ospreys chase Egyptian geese time after time, we found that funny. But we have since then learned that those geese destroyed their nest with their first egg. After that, the couple split and they left. Quite sad - it was a very good place to watch them, and since the nest were closer to the hide, we had some fantastic views of the Ospreys. They flew over us many times, and also did the fishing in the lagoon.

Here it is to read about it all.

We then discovered a 'local' place with lot of Red Kites, and spent hours there. These birds are so lovely. Lot of nice pictures of their shapes and expressions. Some very good hours spent there.

Bluebells are on its best at the moment, so a walk in a little forest.

No access to our little local tip area anymore, but got to see the green Woodpecker and Buzzards from the fence with the road.

Coming week have a couple long drives. Forecast for those days is not good, so we will see..

Its been a very warm day - far too warm for me!

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