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May 15

Rain most of the day, but got some planting done. 4 hanging baskets. I am no expert on choosing the right plants, so I prefer ready made ones. But this year I wanted to try myself.

We also have planted 2 Butterfly/Bees mats. Last year it looked fantastic. Hopefully it will be just as good this year.

We just need some more sun, and less rain!

Another bowl with Sempervivums, so have a few now! They are such beautiful plants!

The pond... Not sure about that one. Lot of leaves, but no buds yet? We gave the fish away, as the pond were a bit small for them. Now we have a frog now and then, which is nice.

But the big shadow is of course Covid-19. I fear so much not being able to go to Norway. It makes me very depressed at times. The way Boris has handled this should never have been accepted. He is to blame for letting the Indian variant in.

More and more often I ask myself how I could leave my family. It feels not right. When these thoughts arrive I don't know what to do with myself. Perhaps I should have left things as they were, with occasional visits to UK for another year. And then tried to get a place in Norway we could come back to. After a year It would had made me right for more money which would have been very useful. I would then have been independent that way. So yes, there are things I would have done differently today. But what is done, is done.. Just sometimes painful


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