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Already September 😐

We have booked for going to Norway, but I do feel uncertain about it. Later next week travel updates from here will tell.

I'm not sure yet if we should visit my mother or not. Vaccines has not worked on her, because she have had kidney transplantation.

Not all my kids are vaccinated either, so it will be a sort of weird visit 😳

I ask myself if we should wait, but God knows how long it will be before next opportunity.

It is so depressing the whole thing. I have so much on my mind that my head could explode 🤯 I wake up at night after nightmares and pains and feel quite bad.

Else there are nothing new of interest. We are making a path in the back garden up to the pond. Hopefully it will be nice there with some planting along it next season


Some photos below from a walk today, plus a collage of recent photos


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